Monday, January 6, 2014

Osha Dieta

Your wildrcrafted Osha roots and honeyed Osha come from two sources which are

concerned and careful about it's sustainability. Osha is an endangered plant and can be

overharvested. Our suppliers are good stewards of the land and adhere to good planetary


If you haven't already, read everything on the, http://

Your dieta medicine of the raw roots are to be made lovingly into a tea (see below) which

will be consumed each evening for for days. Meditate first with the roots as long as you

like, get to know them, feel them, they are alive with medicine. Take some of the roots

to use as incense, the smell is divine. Sing, drum, talk to them, put your intent into them,

honor them as a welcome part of you, receive them as your teacher. If you like ritual,

do a ritual with them, let them tell you what they want, trust your imagination, allow the

spirit of the plant to guide you. It may feel like you are making it up if the plant "talks"

to you but the spirit of the plant is living and desires to help you in ways you may not

yet know so open your imagination. Keep a journal, sketch pad, post on the blog site to

speak of your experiences, dreams and discuss them with other dieters or us please.

Everyone will receive their plant medicine at different times so on the day and time the

plants arrive, begin the dieta protocol at that time. Please be ready for this by way of

having appropriate foods purchased, by having your personal life and routine organised

as best you can to support this dieta integrating into your body. Remember, keep

yourself to yourself as much as possible during the 8 days of the strict part of the dieta

and stay mindful that during the rest of the month this will be a good time to focus on

yourself as much as possible. Not a good time to embark on anything too adventurous,

new, demanding, stressful including time with family or relationships which challenge

you. Just say you are retreating for your health or spirit.

Tea Instructions:

 When your plants arrive, break them up as small as you are able and add about a quart

of pure water to them, put them on the stove top and bring just to a boil then immediately

turn the pot down to low and leave them steep on the lowest heat for about 20 minutes.

Remove from heat, leave roots in the brew. If it is time to drink when you make the tea,

pour a cup for yourself. leave to cool and put in a covered pitcher in the fridge to prevent


At 4pm (traditionally) can be later if work schedule requires, take yourself into a quiet

place with a cup of the Osha Medicine brew (can be heated before drinking if you like as

it is a lovely tea) if you feel so inclined, sing, drum, play music, bless your connection

to the plant, receive it into your body with respect, love, openess and reverance. You

cannot do it wrong. If you have nothing to sing, just speak or whisper your intent and

willingness to connect but always be open to receiving guidance. Drink tea 4 days only,

then continue with strict dieta protocol (see below) for 8 days total.

Dietary Protocol

Avoid all salt, alcohol, vinegar, caffeine, animal fat, sweets or sugars (including all fruit

but apples and lemon), red meat, dairy, strongly spiced foods for 8 days (also abstain

from sex for the 8 days). Foods without salt can be very disappointing to the palette.

Be prepared to have strong emotional withdrawals from food if you are a real foody.

Keeping the dieta will be worth it.

Eggs have a little salt, grilling fish or chicken creates a slight salt flavor, organic celery

and potato broth replenishes mineral salts if you must exert physically during the dieta

Lemon juice and olive oil on vegetables is delicious, toasted seeds and raw nuts in small

amounts are good and add flavor (go easy on heavy foods) ½

During these cold winter months, oatmeal, squash, apples, sprinkled with nuts can be

warming, cooked quinoa with vegetables, boiled or grilled green plaintains, will have

satisfying texture though I won't fib and say food without salt is good but the more you

diet, the easier it gets..

On the morning of the 8th day you will wake and swish the prepared salt in your mouth

for 60 seconds, spit it out with gratitude and from this point on the strict part of the diet is


After 8 days all dietary restrictions lifted except for sex, alcohol and pork and refined

sugars which are to be avoided for the full 30 days. (some couples have permission for

the practice of sacred sexuality in the Osha dieta but this must be cleared first with Kellee

or Craig)

As a good rule of thumb eat foods which would make good compost (no fruit besides say

½ apple, a little lemon juice for flavor, small amount of avocado, say 1/2 per day, cooked

green plaintain wh not really a fruit), no prepared foods or condiments.

Go easy on medicinal teas during your dieta. Ask the Osha what plants it harmonizes

with. It is not be good to complicate the energy of the Osha with any other medicinal

plants or vitamin supplements during the first 7 days.

Sexual Restrictions:

established loving partnerships may be honored sexually after the initial 8 days of strict

protocol providing partner is willing to dedicate all sex and lovemaking to the dieta as

part of it. First 8 days mean no sexual contact, french kissing etc The sacrifice of your

sexual expression will potentize your dieta. If Osha directs you otherwise where you do

feel you ought restrict sex altogether, honor this. The Osha will be specific in speaking

to you about the details around sacred love making and sexuality. Please no new

partnerships (and you may be found very attractive to others during your dieta so watch

out, don't be seduced!) and no fantasy masturbation or sexual fantasy when with your

partner. If the plant takes you on a journey into your sexuality and it is medicine for you,

go but don't get lost, you are being taught wisdom, how to turn your lovemaking into

medicine, so focus on this wisdom through your lovemaking rather than unconcious

pleasure in sexual energy, keep this protocol as very very important until the dieta is

over. If you are too tired to focus on being totally concious to each other and the

medicine, skip it. This is a good time to explore tantric forms of love with orgasmic

abstinence. Please keep record of the sexual teachings you receive from the plant. This

is new territory in the realm of dieta, to tread carelessly here could mean feeling some

insanity so take this VERY seriously. We are pioneering a whole new dieta movement

by opening up the space for our sexual medicine to be a part of the teaching so I want

you all to feel comfortable sharing this for the betterment of others, the enrichment of

love between people, the wisdom of the medicine of the erotic with the plants. I feel this

dieta marks the end of self conciousness and outdated puritanical thinking making

sexuality tabu in spiritual practices. Think about it, plants are able to show their

nakedness and embark in reproduction in public, surely they are the very best teachers of

how to live our lives today in love! This is important to be taken at the level of highest

holiness, not piety or prudish, holiness, sacredness, like sacrement. Call if confused ok?

We have had tremendous reports from our couples after this. The sexual permission will

not be allowed in all the dietas so please make note that this is specific to the Osha.

2 Personal Sessions

Each of you has included with your dieta an hour or 2 x ½ hour personal sessions with

either Craig Caviezel or me, Kellee Morris either via Skype, phone or in person if you

are here in SLC area. We will be available during regular business hours,evenings and

weekends. Appointments recommended, emergency calls available.

 Please feel free to text me Kellee @ 970-618-0007 Fri pm-Tues a.m and

Craig @ 801-631-1101 Tues pm-Fri a.m.

we will respond asap. Texts are better for initial contact

 Should you not be able to reach one of us , I would like your permission to connect you

personally with other dieters. Several of you have done dietas before and your support to

others may be part of your training by the plant. Please furnish your number to my phone

if I don't already have it (unless you prefer not to in which case let me know this)

In the event anyone wants more than the 2 x 30 minute or 1 x 1hr sessions, we have

availability for this and do it for $1 per minute.

unify and integrate this new Maestra Plant teacher, Osha into our circle and community

with joy

mun-yaki (I love you in Qechua)

your Dieteros Kellee and Craig (aka Dieta Mama y Dieta Papa! ;)

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