Traditionally it could take 10 years or more before an apprentice became a maestro/maestra. In this era it does not require living in the jungle to be an apprentice of the plants, nor does it necessarily entail the full duration of time, we are living in a tremendous shift and traditions are changing in accordance with the changing of our consciousness. Today the plants are calling us to help us understand what is happening in our world now, human consciousness, how to live, how to be a good steward of Mother Earth, Pachamama, how to heal and create. The dieta is for people who are serious about becoming medicine men and women of deep integrity and intuition, using the teachings only to heal, never for personal gain. I will offer several dietas per year and with them, your apprencticeship to the plants will be structured, ordered and straight. I anticipate hearing that my dieters find their creativity in creating themselves, their worlds and communities with clarity, power and innovation. This is exciting.
Traditionally, the shamans, the curanderos/curanderas were taught their intuitive healing wisdom, rituals and sacred songs known as "icaros", by taking a number of these Amazonian medicinal plant dietas into their bodies through their lifetimes. Traditionally, more dietas meant a more proficient shaman, with rituals of purification, discipline teaching him/her how to hold healing space with integrity, intuition and skill. The plants are psychic teachers, connecting the student to the innate wisdom of the universe insomuch as the shaman/medicine man/woman is receptive and suited as a practitioner.. Today, with time collapsing on it's axis, scale is no longer the determinant of a shaman's skill, agility and effectiveness.
It is important the dieta is overseen by either a maestro/maestra, or in our case me, who has been a devoted, well trained and natural practitioner of the plants with many years experience studying and dieting with the traditional and non traditional shamans in the Amazon. In no circumstances should a new dieter diet a plant without having the plants prepared by a qualified shaman. It is important the rebuilding of the apprentices'/dieters' internal structure is configured, monitored and directed by a qualified and trusted shaman until such time as the apprentice/dieters' sense of self is very much intact and clear. There are delusions the ego seems to reliably bring to the table as an unhealthy condiment to a healthy meal when people begin the practice of plant medicine. The overseeing shaman, who in this case will be me, ( Dieta Mama) or Craig (Dieta Papa) will keep each individual's dieta "straight". At times during the duration of the diet, feelings and thoughts can get "crossed", which, if it happens can result in confusion, depression, negativity. It is the overseeing shaman's duty to "straighten" the diet. It is the job of the plant, the dieta itself, to straighten out the crooked, misdirected energies we all may have within us in order for there to be a smooth, pure flow of reliable wisdom within the entire being of the apprentice/dieter.
The plants are taken by the dieter as a tea for a set number of days with a disciplined protocol of strict dietary restriction as they do so. After the duration of the strict dieta (usually 8 days for a short dieta), there follows a month of somewhat restricted activities (see below). The plants themselves are the teachers of the dieta,. What they teach is divine wisdom or "saviduria divina", wisdom beyond the mind, beyond what has been learned in books or other teachings. Typically it would be the maestro/maestra who prepares the plant medicine for each individual dieter, singing icaros, praying, speaking, blowing, whistling into it personally for the individual The apprentice/dieter makes enough tea for 4 days and then takes the tea each day at 4pm in the afternoon each day for four days and is taught the nature and songs of the plant's particular medicine as it is dieted and absorbed into the body (body, mind, heart, soul) for the duration of the 1 month time frame the dieta is working (the plant is only consumed for 4 days however) The restrictions of, no salt, sugar, alcohol,vinegars, red meat, pork, dairy, fat, no sex, are to be kept for 8 days. At the end of the start of the 8th day you wake and swish the prepared salt into your mouth for 60 seconds, spit, feel generally much better and then life gets somewhat more normal physically . For the next 30 days the sex, alcohol, pork restrictions stay in place with suggested cessation of all refined sugars. The entire month may have many challenges as the plant, doing its job, keeps working so I suggest taking a month with little exciting entertainment, stimulation, new projects, jobs, relationships etc. During the diet please do not make any major life decisions of any kind if at all possible.
The plant teachers, after entering the apprentice/dieters body, become enmeshed with the actual architecture/ geometry of the apprentice/dieter's energetic being, restructuring personality, purifying, healing ego weakness and insecurity, clearing blockages, and new intuitions become available to assist in deepening an understanding of life for the self, what is true, dissolving feelings of separateness, guiding and building confidence, trust and knowledge in the assistance/teaching of others.
The work of the dieta will continue for 6 months as it grows strong in the "garden" of the apprentices' body and psyche. In order for the plant to "grow" within the human body, we make our bodies an environment free of salt, fat, red meat, sugar, dairy, caffeine and alcohol, vinegars, during the 8 days of the intense part of the dieta . These restrictions can be challenging mentally, emotionally and physically for some people. Inexperienced dieters ought to plan on 8 days when they may feel like they have a bit of flu or even mild depression as they diet. It is recommended that the dieter make their lifestyle as free from stimulation as possible with as much rest and solo meditation time as possible. Each dieter will get an hour consultation session with me, Kellee Morris, or my partner, Craig Caviezel during their dieta (can be any time during the entire month during our operating hours or, if you have an emergency, any time) as part of their dieta package in order to check in, ask questions, get assistance straightening wonky thoughts and feelings etc. These can be by phone, in person, or on Skype depending on where we all are.
During the dieta, the old structures of personality and belief are often broken down for new structures and knowledge to be built in their places. It is typically an emotional time, an epiphaniacal time, a grieving time as the old mental ways die away, we listen to the plant and new paradigms and wisdom grow in the places of the old, tired, slow and outdated linear/mental methods of old. It is normal for people to feel disorientated during dietas though every normal task can be accomplished with no problems but fatigue. The beauty, purity and clarity of the diet and its wisdom will generally come streaming through after the month is entirely finished, though some people experience this from the get go. Everyone's experience is different, some people feel worse for a while. Please know we offer support on an ongoing basis even after the month if necessary for a very reasonable fee.
Our focus in this new style of western shamanic dieta being introduced here, is to fuse the tradition of these Shipibo and Mestizo dieta traditions with the wisdom of the Northern American plants as the source of our first short dieta. Because we live in North America, because our geographical lineage is felt from the native tribes of this country, we are honoring them and calling on their wisdom to teach us through their plants rather than going to Peru to diet the traditional Amazonian plants. (I also highly recommend dieting in the Amazon under a number of different maestros/maestra's I can refer you to) The plants are being quite specific in letting me know which plants we will be dieting and in which order. We will mostly diet the North American plants however, there are certain protective plant traditions from the Amazon we will also be taking in the future for safety, protection and ancient wisdom. (the plants of the Amazon are the oldest lineage of living things on the planet)
I am not a maestra by title, however the plants themselves have called me to invite you to this practice. I personally have taken 25 different dietas into my body, 18 of which were conducted under Maestros Don Alberto Torres Davila, Hamilton Souther, Chris Odle, Guillermo Arevallo, 3 of which were personally conducted by me, for myself, led by the plants. As your "Dieta Mama" I can only say the plants have given me sensibilities beyond any mental reason and I trust them entirely. My work with the plants has given me the ability to flow in the work of an effective and compassionate curandera. From the time I was a small child I have been learning from the plants, gathering them, making them into tinctures and eating them. When we are called to the plants, we are called. You will simply know if this is for you. My commitment to using the plants only to heal is 100%. If you know me, you will know if you feel you can trust my guidance.
Shaman Craig Caviezel "Dieta Papa" is a gifted Dietero and Medicine man, personally trained by me with several years of experience working with plant, native american and crystal medicine before he met me. He is gifted and hand selected and trained by me to work in partnership. I have had him oversee and configure several diets and each one he has done for himself and others have been very successful in the lives of those who took his dietas. Depending on the time of your diet or consultation, you may encounter either of us. I will be consulted about everything and oversee each person's diet.
I took my apprenticeship over the course of 7 years in Peru very seriously. I gleaned all I could from my amazing maestros and the dietas of the plants changed and continue to transform and change my life, my perceptions and give me gifts to heal and care beyond all logical reason. I too am still a work in progress. Everyone's experience will be different. I encourage you to journal your experiences and share them here if you like.
Craig and I sit with each person's personal allocation of medicinal plant, we sing into each of your plants personally for you according to the guidance the plant gives. We sing the wisdom and power into the plants, honeyed osha and salt to create structure, guidance and potency to your personal studies of life of self, your growth, expansion, healing, purification, balancing, the straightening of your energetic body. The process per person can take a considerable amount of time. The plants always guide. You will have clear instructions for how to make your tea, what to eat, do, not do and you will be entitled to the 1 hour sessions with Craig or I (or two 1/2 hour ones) over the course of the 1 month duration of the dieta. One of us should always be available during reasonable business hours, and some weekend hours. After the eight days everything is allowed back into the diet besides alcohol, pork and sex with limits on refined sugars.
Additional consultations during the course of the dieta will be available for 1/2 hour sessions @ $30 per session.
In the event you feel called to this dieta and are unable to pay the suggested price, please get in touch with me to work out something creative where there is value for our exchange.
Please read the information about the nature and properties of Osha,
(Kwiyag'atu tupkapi in the Ute Native tongue)
The dieta following this will be a protective dieta, traditional Peruvian "Ahos" made up from Camphor, garlic, white onion in a suspension of alcohol. This formulation is commonly known as "vampire juice" and will be a powerful cleansing and protection diet. After this diet, you will be ready to start your studies to begin working on others.
muna-yaki (I love you in Quechua),
Dieta Mama, Kellee and Dieta Papa Craig